Second challenge. I am attempting to try a challenge with something basic. Something that should be easy, but based on my history, seems to be evasive. Why, oh why, is coffee so much better tasting than water? It is generally agreed that you should drink about 64 ounces of water daily. Give or take, depending on your size and your activity level. And it should be an instinct for most of us. But it isn’t. Water isn’t sexy or cool. How often do you hear a woman in the movies come up to the bar and ask for a glass of water? And yet, it has so many benefits. I could be that sexy, water-drinking lady. Right?
Goals for the challenge:
- It can aid in helping to lose weight.
- Our brains would like us to be eating. Lot. So when we are dehydrated we turn to food sometimes. It is ok. We are confused. But I am going to try to reduce the number of times I turn to a snack when I have not even had a drop of water besides coffee in a day. There is also some proof out there that if you drink water thirty minutes before a meal it can reduce the amount of food you eat. That is not my challenge here. Let’s start simple. Just get the water in the body. Timing does not matter for me. It would stress me out. I would start sweating and lose all that precious water I had just drank.
- Have a better flow digestive flow. Get those kidneys and colon going.
- I am not a fan of constipation. Let me tell you. I took a trip to Brazil for Carnival once. I did not have enough water, and all I ate was meat. I don’t think there is a time I have ever been more uncomfortable. I had a food baby, and I think my urine turned the color of Donald Trump’s hair. I was in an unhealthy spot, to put it simply. Hopefully, the water drinking will keep the urine yellow and the poop a coming. But in like a healthy way and not in a “get me a butt plug way”. (full disclosure- I am not sure what a butt plug is for. I have heard the reasons, and I still don’t get it).
- Help with headaches
- Headaches can be attributed to dehydration. I have a headache exactly once a month. Right at my lady time. It is called a menstrual cycle for anyone who missed out on sex education. Maybe it is hormones. Maybe it is dehydrating. Maybe the challenge will do nothing for me except make me think that it is helping. Maybe it is magic. Cross my fingers- I am hoping for a water magic.
- Improved energy levels and improve my workouts.
- We are mostly water. Why do we not talk about that more? This must be a conversation that someone is having out there. Would we not change that if we knew we were already dehydrated before going into a workout? Imagine all that protein breakdown during a workout just easily passing through the kidneys and not getting yourself in a sticky situation of Rhabdomyolysis. Leading to a costly hospital stay and a lifetime of problems. Really, we can’t afford not to drink the water.
- Get my thinky, thinky parts working.
- Our brain needs water. And carbohydrate but that is a topic for another time. There have been studies supporting improvement in cognitive functions and mood. Now I don’t want to go all beautiful mind after a glass of water, but it would be nice if I could remember how to say sea anemone without it sounding like I am mumbling like Beaker off the Muppets.
I would consider this a fairly easy challenge (the unbelievable arrogance of that statement is not lost on me), so I am going to force my husband to do it with me. As much as I can force him to do anything, I will try to compare notes with him at the end.
The results of our challenge will be our outcomes and should not be used as an example of what individuals should do with their bodies. This is for our benefit and entertainment. Before starting any challenge check with your health provider.
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