I have always been interested in what I can do with my life. What can I see? What can I learn? What experiments can I have? I was hospitalized several times as a child and was prone to daydreaming, My recovery out of the hospital was long and it was hard. It taught me the benefits of habit-forming activities. That if done right these things can build on themselves. Unfortunately, I took a job in the emergency room for about sixteen years, and it gave me the attention span of a 2-year-old Labrador. I skip from activity to activity, but never really master any except maybe poor time management. I have that down.
I read My Life as an Experiment by A.J. Jacobs, which gave me an idea. What if I can experiment too? If these things I want to try are worth it. If they are doable. If I can stick with it. I would hope that by doing it myself I can also encourage other people to try something new. It can never be wrong to try to better your life. I feel that this will lead me to, at the very least, have some form of adventure. It isn’t sexy and sometimes it isn’t fun. But maybe I will love this. Or maybe I need a stiff drink.
So here it is……….my to-do list. Let’s keep it small to start
The List
- 30/30/30- You got me trendy health activity.
- Drink that damn water- 64 oz. why is that so hard?
- Sleep 6-8 hours
- 13,000 steps daily
- 30 minute workout 5 days weekly
- 30 minute Spanish study
- Meditate- so hard for me. 10 minutes seems like 3 hours. But man, I feel better after.
- No alcohol
- No phone for 2 hours before bed
- Declutter an area of the house daily
- Learning to travel hack- Note to self: Look up how to do this.
- Garden work daily- Ugh!! For the planet and stuff.
Ambitious? Absolutely. Embarrassing? Probably. Doable? I hope so.